

Dear all,

At the end of each day, we will seat together to reflect and consolidate our learning. We will be using the SST reflection cycle and template below are some questions that you can think about and pen down before each reflection session.

Daily reflection post by each student to include the following:

  • Day x
  • pictures ( post at least 3 significant pictures that made an impact to you that day) Do provide a short description of why the pictures made an impact on you.
  • some questions to consider below.

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  • When/where did the experience take place?
  • What did I do? What did others do?
  • What happened that was significant?

  • How did this experience make me feel (positively and/or negatively)? o How did I handle my emotional reactions?
  • Do I believe I should have felt differently than I did? 
  •  What assumptions or expectations did I bring to the situation (including my assumptions about other persons involved) and how did they affect my actions?
  • What personal skills did I draw on in handling this situation?
  • What personal skills would I like to have had I order to have handled it better and how might I develop them? 

  • How does this experience enhance my knowledge of a specific reading, theory, or concept? 
  • Does it challenge or reinforce my prior understanding? 
    I learned that…
    • Express an important learning, not just a statement of fact
    • Provide a clear and correct explanation of the concept(s) in question so that someone outside of the course can understand
    • Explain your enhanced understanding of the concept(s), as a result of reflection on the experience
      I learned this when…
      • Connect the learning to specific activities making it clear what happened in the context of that experience so that someone who wasn’t there could easily understand i
      This learning matters because...
      • Consider how the learning has value, both in terms of this situation and in broader terms, such as other organizations, communities, activities, issues, professional goals, courses, etc.
      In light of this learning…
      • Set specific and assessable goals, consider the benefits and challenges involved in fulfilling them
      • Tie your learning back to your original goals

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